Sunday 7 April 2013

Events with the Tamar Valley Westerners

Here is a collection of imagery from their latest event which I photographed. This event entailed them to show the Native American Culture and their Tombstone shoot out at the O.K Corral.

I find that going to the events with the Tamar Valley Westerners a brilliant experience because it keeps me in practice with my photography while having something interesting to shoot. I developed my action shooting especially during the shoot out between the cowboys. It was brilliant to capture them in the moment of there acting with the shoot out! I feel that I shot the Native American side the best and showed how they represent the culture. I would like to use a different lens next time so there is more concentration on the main subject. A prime lens that will let me have an aperture of F1.4 for shallow depth of field, this also allows for quicker shutter speed while keeping the ISO relatively low.

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