Sunday, 13 May 2012

Starting Photography

The Past
The Herald- Work Experience
I have started to work on my photography last year by gaining experience with The South West Media Photography-The Herald Photography/ Newsroom department. This was a fantastic experience and learnt so much in the space of a week. The biggest highlight was when I met a few of the stars from Strictly Come Dancing in The Pavillions. They had a variety of photographers who specialised in different fields and all had there own aspirations for there future. One of the assignments was in the mall where we had to photograph various members of the public who dressed summery. This helped me to deal with people in a professional manner as well as boosting confidence to talk to random strangers.

Tamar Valley Westerners- Work
This is my first photography work in which they modelled for me in all there Indian gear for a project. They were impressed with the images and now get asked to accompany them for photographs when they go to various events.

Business Cards
Business cards are a great way to promote who you are and have already printed a set. My cards had various different images on them and from them being open to the public for them to take gave an insight into what image they preferred. The next time I order a set of cards I wont have so many images and limit it to a few the ones that got took.

The Present
Studying and finding my strengths
I am currently at PCA on the Foundation Degree Photography Course where I am starting to get a sense of where my strengths are. I thought my main strength was landscape but I seem to be showing great work in portraiture. This is more specifically using controlled lighting in a studio environment.

The Future?
If my strength does seem to be in portraiture then the next step would be getting equipment necessary to set up freelance. This will also include looking into different insurances to protect my self and my equipment.

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